Our Impact

Our impact model is driven by student graduates emerging as agents of change within their communities. This model consists of two sub-components: critical thinking, and civic engagement. In the first segment of our curriculum, the students develop the ability to identify and interpret cause-effect relationships through survey of various academic disciplines. Afterward, the students learn about project design, implementation and evaluation through tools of design thinking and conduct user interviews to identify specific local issues to tackle. During the social impact project (SIP) phase, the students aim to improve targeted societal outcomes through their projects.

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student graduates

From history and economics, to arts and philosophy, our civic education curriculum aims to develop critical thinking skills among the students.

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social impact projects implemented

From installing waste recycling systems at schools, to conducting academic tutoring clubs and volunteering at orphanages, our students implement projects tackling local social issues.



local residents have been positively impacted

From raising awareness about climate change, to improving academic performance of students, local residents have been positively impacted by our students.